Tag Archives: birthday quilling

Quilling Inside Jokes

I had a friend visiting and I had started this blog recently, so I wanted to quill something for her on her visit. I quilled something that would get a smile on her face. I quilled… traffic lights! Stop, Look, Go. Red, Orange, Green…

Wonder why a traffic signal would bring a smile to someone’s face – there’s an ‘inside-joke’ about this. Since blogging is a public medium, sharing inside-joke’s here is not how it works so let me make an alternative story for this ‘signal’ 🙂

Let’s assume that she got her driver’s license recently and I wanted her to be safe. This makes it an appropriate ‘card’  for that achievement 😉

This is a signal :)

This is a signal 🙂

Anyway, here is something else I quilled for her birthday. The real occasion, no inside jokes here! This has been mentioned in the blog before. Here is the photo.

Girl with flowers and balloons

Girl with flowers and balloons

The self-improvement goal for me is to use glue more carefully so it doesn’t so as much on the final product 🙂