Quilling for New Friends

It’s been a year since I moved out of a city that I loved that was filled with people I loved to an all-new city in an all new country!

A (new) friend had her birthday recently and as I’m clueless as always on what to gift, I decided it would be best to make a card for her. I didn’t just want to buy a card because I always think making something by myself gets the “I’m glad to have you in my life” message a little bit better 🙂

Anniversary Quilling

It was my brother and sis in laws first anniversary and I was hopelessly lost on what to give them. One day to go and I didn’t have any gifting ideas still so I decided to quill a card for them. A quick Google search gave me some ideas and I thought these owls looked damn cute 🙂
The little black owl didn’t get quilled quite as prefect – hopefully I do better on their next anniversary 😬

Happy Owliversary

Quilling for a crazy bird!

My college room mate had her birthday recently. She’s a totally crazy person. She’s not the party-all-nigh or adventure-sports type crazy. She is the one with the wildest and most unrelated comebacks to anything you say and the one introducing craziness in daily conversations. It’s sometimes appreciated and sometimes she gets whacked for it but she never lets that deter her. She’s THAT kind of crazy 😉

So she got a crazy bird card on her birthday! It’s been a few years since college and she hasn’t changed much in the crazy scale, here’s hoping things stay the same.

Rock on, you crazy bird!

Rock on, you crazy bird!

Saying it with Flowers

I have mentioned before that I stayed away from quilling the usual hearts and flowers when I was starting out.

But then I was asked to make a card for someone in office who was shifting to another location. For such an occasion, quirky just wouldn’t do so I got back to the basics. I had bought some two-toned quilling strips (orange and yellow) a while back and I figured that they could be put to good use in making flowers.

This is what the card looked like. I guess it turned out okay! Looking forward to quilling some more ‘traditional’ items now!

Making it a happy goodbye :)

Making it a happy goodbye 🙂

Quilling Inside Jokes

I had a friend visiting and I had started this blog recently, so I wanted to quill something for her on her visit. I quilled something that would get a smile on her face. I quilled… traffic lights! Stop, Look, Go. Red, Orange, Green…

Wonder why a traffic signal would bring a smile to someone’s face – there’s an ‘inside-joke’ about this. Since blogging is a public medium, sharing inside-joke’s here is not how it works so let me make an alternative story for this ‘signal’ 🙂

Let’s assume that she got her driver’s license recently and I wanted her to be safe. This makes it an appropriate ‘card’  for that achievement 😉

This is a signal :)

This is a signal 🙂

Anyway, here is something else I quilled for her birthday. The real occasion, no inside jokes here! This has been mentioned in the blog before. Here is the photo.

Girl with flowers and balloons

Girl with flowers and balloons

The self-improvement goal for me is to use glue more carefully so it doesn’t so as much on the final product 🙂

Small Momentos for Friends

I have always had somewhat quirky gift choices and thankfully I have always had friends who appreciate them! When I started out quilling, I did not want to go around giving flowers and hearts to folks. So this is what I did.

For a friend who celebrated a birthday recently, I made a cupcake. I chose a cupcake to quill because it is more colourful than a usual cake and you don’t have to make totally symmetric shapes to get to this.

I found an image on the internet and more or less stuck to the way it was done, I improvised on only the colours.

A cupcake with a candle is my way of saying 'Happy Birthday'

A cupcake with a candle is my way of saying ‘Happy Birthday’

When a friend from the good ol’ days of college bought a new smartphone, I welcomed her to the world of android with this cute little Bug-Droid. Though I’m not a big fan of the name but after all, what’s in a name 🙂

Where would we be without our beloved smartphones.

Where would we be without our beloved smartphones.

I’m a superhero fan – let me just admit that! Batman is my favourite superhero but somehow I have not gotten around to making a quilled version of Batman yet. Maybe that should be my next assignment! I like Superman as well and I think I decided to quill Superman was because, after all, red and blue are more vibrant colours than black! But the end result did not look very superhero like. It looked more like a dumb-ish cartoon – who definitely was too big for his cape and probably needed some working out in general. Sorry Superman – maybe I’ll have better luck the next time I try.

It's a bird... It's a plane...

It’s a bird… It’s a plane…

Imp note: These designs may not be ‘original’. There are make using images and techniques ‘copied’ from the internet!

Quilling for ‘karma’

It might already be clear to a few (of the few) readers that so far, whenever I quill, it’s for people. Different things for different people – I try not to ‘repeat’ quilled patterns.

This is something I quilled for my mum. My mother is spiritual and religious – so when I decided to quill something for her, I knew that she would appreciate something on these lines the most (she appreciates anything I quill but I wanted to give her something she would really like independently)! So I decided to quill a ‘Ganesh’ for her.

Quilling for mothers!

Quilling for mothers!

Here is a little bit about Ganesh from Wikipedia:

“Ganesha is widely revered as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences and the deva of intellect and wisdom. As the god of beginnings, he is honoured at the start of rituals and ceremonies”

Of course, she loved it and maybe I got some good ‘karma’ out of it too 🙂

Imp note: These designs may not be ‘original’. There are made using images and techniques ‘copied’ from the internet!

The start of my ‘affair’ with quilling

In my last post, I mentioned that my current hobby involves quilling cards, book marks and other tid-bits. Let me post my ‘first’ attempt at quilling and the story behind it.

I have a very close friend who is a constant source of encouragement to me. She’s extremely supportive, lots of fun, very talented and somewhat moody 😛

This attempt to document my quilled creations is inspired by a remark from her 🙂

As you can imagine, when I started experimenting with quilling, I was looking for an excuse to make something for her. She had been out of India for a while and when she came back, I decided to welcome her with a card – it may not look much like it but it is supposed to be an aeroplane.


It’s a plane! Welcoming back a friend 🙂

Of course, I have become better since then. We have had a tradition of sending each other birthday cards – and I mean real cards by snail mail, not ecards or other form of internet based greetings. This birthday, I made another quilled card for her 🙂

(Photo coming soon)

Apart from this, there was a small card I made for my mum that had a quilled elephant on it. At that time, mum was teaching kids in kindergarten and they needed  a few fun cards. Here is the image.

More quilled animals - Elephant

More quilled animals – Elephant

More later!


Everyone should have a hobby. There are many things that I enjoy doing outside of work. Reading, eating, music, watching some series or the other on my laptop and what not.

But I try not of think of all these as my hobbies because although I like eating, I am not a very good cook. I avoid cooking and usually order in or if I have to make something, I take short cuts. My heart is very rarely into cooking!

When it comes to music, I like listening to a variety of artists but I can’t sing to save my life and I have zero instrument playing abilities.

It’s a little different with reading but not much. I love to read and a good book has a longer lasting impact on me. But when it comes to ‘doing’, I don’t write much. I write a few poems now and then. It’s usually funny or based on someone/something I really like or dislike. Accordingly, the poems are either very mean or very sweet!

My ‘current’ hobby is none of the one above but something ‘crafty’! I have always wanted to draw well. Something that I have not been able to do so far. So I compensate for my lack of ‘arty’ skills with my ‘crafty’ skills. Of late, I have been  putting my crafty skills to use and doing some quilling. I quill friends on their bitrthdays, weddings, farewells and other such occassions.

Quilled Animals

Quilled Animals


It’s super fun (and easy) and generally very well received 🙂

Imp note: These designs may not be ‘original’. There are make using images and techniques ‘copied’ from the internet!