Tag Archives: plane

The start of my ‘affair’ with quilling

In my last post, I mentioned that my current hobby involves quilling cards, book marks and other tid-bits. Let me post my ‘first’ attempt at quilling and the story behind it.

I have a very close friend who is a constant source of encouragement to me. She’s extremely supportive, lots of fun, very talented and somewhat moody 😛

This attempt to document my quilled creations is inspired by a remark from her 🙂

As you can imagine, when I started experimenting with quilling, I was looking for an excuse to make something for her. She had been out of India for a while and when she came back, I decided to welcome her with a card – it may not look much like it but it is supposed to be an aeroplane.


It’s a plane! Welcoming back a friend 🙂

Of course, I have become better since then. We have had a tradition of sending each other birthday cards – and I mean real cards by snail mail, not ecards or other form of internet based greetings. This birthday, I made another quilled card for her 🙂

(Photo coming soon)

Apart from this, there was a small card I made for my mum that had a quilled elephant on it. At that time, mum was teaching kids in kindergarten and they needed  a few fun cards. Here is the image.

More quilled animals - Elephant

More quilled animals – Elephant

More later!